Your Home Is Clean … But Is It Healthy?

You've worked tirelessly to make your home a haven for the whole family. But did you know that even the tidiest of homes can play host to troublesome germs and allergens, which can lead to endless sniffles or the common cold?

“That's because your hands are actually the dirtiest surface in your house, and you're responsible for spreading those germs every time you touch the handles, faucets, railings, light switches and microwave buttons," says cleaning expert Don Aslett, author of more than 40 home care books, including the best-selling Clutter's Last Stand.

But not to worry: You can get rid of germs by staying on top of them. Here's your master cleaning schedule for keeping germs at bay to ensure your family's health. Print it out and post it on your fridge to use as a reminder.

1. Kitchen and bathroom sinks and countertops
How often: daily

You touch the faucets in the kitchen each time you cook (and handle raw meat). And in the bathroom, you touch the faucets and countertops just about every time you go into the room. Sinks and drains in these two rooms are home to loads of bacteria, including E. coli.

Spray the faucets, sinks and counters with an antibacterial spray. Let it sit (10 minutes is ideal to kill germs and bacteria), then wipe with a washable microfiber cloth, which is more sanitary than a sponge and traps more than a regular rag would, says Aslett.

2. Clothes, bed linens, kitchen and bathroom towels, and bath mats
How often: every three days

Instead of letting laundry pile up, it's healthier to do it every few days. This helps avoid mold growth in the hamper where moisture can get trapped from soiled clothes and linens. It also helps to get rid of dead skin cells that can become part of house dust and attract dust mites. 

3. Kitchen and bathroom floors, and the toilet seat
How often: twice a week

Believe it or not, there are more germs on the bathroom floor than on the toilet seat. That's because flushing enables microscopic germs to end up on the bathroom floor (and floors are cleaned much less often than toilets). It's good to get into the habit of closing the lid before you flush. Additionally, when you clean, be sure to use a disinfectant to wipe down the seat and lid.

In both the kitchen and the bathroom, mop floors with a bleach-based cleanser. In the kitchen, be sure to clean up food particles and grease, because they can attract unwanted and unhealthy pests.

4. Carpets, cabinets, sofas and mattresses
How often: weekly

Dust mites can cause allergic reactions in some people, so it's important to prevent exposure as much as possible. Dust mites feed on dead skin cells (yours and your pet's), which makes mattresses and pillows some of their favorite hiding places. Protect yourself by wrapping your mattress with a dust-mite-proof cover and vacuum, or wash pillows weekly. If you can live without a feather pillow, switch to one with synthetic material, which is less likely to attract dust mites.

Common household dust doesn't have germs in it since it lacks the moisture that germs require, but it does harbor allergens. Vacuum carpets, soft furnishings and bookshelves weekly (two to three times a week if you have pets) using a machine equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Follow with an antibacterial spray to wipe down all hard surfaces.

5. Tubs, shower stalls and trash cans
How often: weekly

Bathing removes germs and viruses from your body, yes, but not all of them die down the drain. In fact, bacteria thrives in moist environments. Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week to wash the sides and floor of the tub and shower stall and the inside of trash cans. Dry the surfaces with a towel, or leave the door or curtain to the shower open to air-dry.

6. Refrigerator and other appliances
How often: weekly

Clean out the fridge before you go grocery shopping and toss spoiled food and leftovers that have been there for more than a couple of days. Then give all major appliances, including the handles and buttons, a healthy scrub with soap and water or disinfectant spray.

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Why Sniffles Hit Hardest at Night

When your child wakes up coughing or complaining of an earache, it's tough to know what to do. And many common ailments -- from asthma to croup -- worsen in the wee hours.

Lying down plays a role in most colds and sinus symptoms "because it causes secretions to drain into the throat and may obstruct drainage happening during the day," says Dr. Michael Steiner, pediatrician and chief of the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "Plus, any pain, discomfort or fever will seem worse when children and parents are tired."

Children may also feel sicker at night because they're less distracted by activities, adds Dr. Mobeen H. Rathore, chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology at Wolfson Children's Hospital and the University of Florida, College of Medicine in Jacksonville.

Learn how to help your little one feel better when he's sick at night, no matter the ailment. Just remember, says Rathore: Call the pediatrician whenever you're unsure or concerned, day or night.

This common childhood pain is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection in the ear (sometimes due to a nasty cold or allergies). Fluid builds up behind the eardrum, and lying down adds pressure to spots that are already sore and inflamed.

Treatment: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 80 percent of children with middle ear infections recover without antibiotics. Shocking, since about 50 percent of antibiotics for American preschoolers are prescribed for ear infections! If the pain isn't severe, help your child feel more comfortable with a pain reliever such as acetaminophen, says Rathore. (Don't use aspirin, which has been associated with a rare but potentially deadly condition called Reye's syndrome.) A warm compress may also help.

When to call the doc: If symptoms get worse or don't improve within 24 to 48 hours, you should consider calling your pediatrician. Chronic ear infections can cause hearing problems, so it's important to monitor symptoms. Red-flag symptoms include severe ear pain and discharge from the ear.

Symptoms from the common cold tend to flare up at night. "When you lie down, the airways are more likely to become clogged with mucus," says Dr. Neil Schachter, author of The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu and the Medical Director of the Respiratory Care Department at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

Treatment: While there is no cure for the common cold, moms can employ a few simple, reliable tactics to help kids feel better. In addition to age-appropriate OTC remedies, a humidifier or steam from a hot shower may also ease congestion so your child can breathe easier. Rathore suggests using acetaminophen to relieve sore throat. Schachter also suggests gargling with salt water before bed "to remove virus-laden mucus from the throat, which relieves both sore throat and coughing."

When to call the doc: Routine colds don't require a doctor's care, but watch out for any other unusual symptoms, including a high fever, distressed breathing or a sore throat that's severe or lasts longer than a week.

Most common in children 5 or under, croup causes swelling in the trachea and larynx. It's usually caused by a virus and characterized by a loud, barking cough. "Croup symptoms seem to worsen at night, possibly because the upper airway naturally relaxes during sleep, so it narrows," says Steiner. "It's also possible that using a heater at night dries out the air and makes symptoms worse."

Treatment: Although mist treatment was long thought to manage croup, a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that high humidity didn't seem to help moderate to severe cases. Still, for mild bouts, a warm, steamy bathroom may soothe symptoms. A dose of children's ibuprofen or acetaminophen can bring down swelling of the airways. More severe cases may require a prescription drug to open airways. 

When to call the doc: If your child makes noisy and high-pitched sounds when inhaling, struggles to breathe, develops blue or grayish skin or has a fever of 103.5 F or higher, it's time to see the doctor. Also get in touch if symptoms last longer than a week or are reoccurring.

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6 Reasons to Call the Pediatrician

Sick children at home? If they’ve got a cold, they'll usually recover on their own within seven to 10 days, but in some cases, those sniffles can develop into a more serious condition that requires medical attention. If you notice any of the following warning signs in your kids, you've got reason to call the pediatrician.

Warning Sign No. 1: A high fever 
A fever of 105 F or more can mean your child has another problem, like strep throat. If your baby is younger than 3 months old, you should also call your doctor if he or she has a fever of 100.4 F or more.

Warning Sign No. 2: Symptoms that persist after the fever subsides 
Most kids start to perk up after their fever goes down. But if your little one still seems tired and miserable after the number on the thermometer drops, it could mean she's dehydrated -- or even has a more serious infection such as meningitis, so get a hold of your doctor's office as soon as possible.

Warning Sign No. 3: Wheezing or vomiting while coughing 
Call your pediatrician if coughing causes your child to gasp for breath or throw up. She may want to screen for asthma or whooping cough.

Warning Sign No. 4: Symptoms that don't improve 
Kids sometimes catch two colds in a row, so they can be sick for longer than the normal weeklong span. But if it doesn't seem your child is improving and her runny nose remains consistent for more than 10 days, it's worth calling your doctor.

Warning Sign No. 5: Rash with fever 
Children can get rashes from viruses and allergic reactions. But if the rash doesn't blanch -- or fade -- when you press on it, call your pediatrician immediately. It may be a sign of a serious infection.

Warning Sign No. 6: Gut feeling that something's wrong 
I'm a firm believer in a mother's "sixth sense," or gut intuition. You know your child best, so if something doesn't seem right, call your doctor. It's better to address your concerns early on, so we can catch any illnesses as soon as possible.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Beat Home Allergens

To ease your child's allergies, you probably encourage her to stay inside when the pollen count is sky-high. But what if it's your home that is causing those sniffles? Many parents don't realize that kids with seasonal allergies may also be sensitive to allergens indoors, like dust mites, mold and pet dander. If your little one tends to have symptoms year-round or sneezes like crazy after petting Rover, see your health care professional. Then, consider making these moves to beat home allergens:

1. Leave your shoes at the door.
Place a bin and clothes rack by the door and ask family members to take off their shoes, jackets and bags before entering. That way, you'll prevent tracking pollen throughout your home. If your child is particularly sensitive, you may also want to change your outfit and rinse off any residual pollen in the shower too.

2. Run the air conditioner.
Pollen can enter your home through open windows and settle on furniture, while fans may stir up dust. Try shutting your windows and using your air conditioner in your home and car to block out those allergens. Just make sure to clean the unit's air filter regularly.

3. Keep tabs on Rover.
When your pet comes in from the outdoors, wipe him down with a wet towel to remove any pollen clinging to his fur. If your kid is also sensitive to dander, teach your pet to stay off furniture and out of your child's bedroom.

4. Wrap up your bed.
Keep dust and pollen from burrowing into your pillows and mattress by encasing them with covers.

5. Do laundry regularly.
To remove allergens, wash bedding weekly in hot water that's at least 130 F (54.4 C). Dry bedding in a dryer -- don't hang it up outside -- and remember to remove it promptly. Leaving it in the machine can encourage mold growth. Cold temperatures also kill dust mites, so pop delicate items, like soft stuffed animals, into the freezer for 24 hours.

6. Ban cigarettes.
It's a no-brainer, but some parents need reminding. The chemicals in smoke can aggravate allergies, so declare your home and car smoke-free zones.

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The Science Behind Your Favorite Remedies

When you were sick as a kid, what was your mom's go-to comfort trick? Turns out some of your favorite nostalgic remedies have research-proven benefits. Here, we'll discuss which ones really work -- and which ones miss the mark.

Mom's Remedy: Chicken Soup
Chicken noodle soup just might be the perfect recipe for cold relief: A recent University of Nebraska Medical Center study found that this time-held favorite is anti-inflammatory and can actually help ease illness. When researchers tested homemade and several pre-made chicken soups, they found that all varieties were effective in reducing symptoms, like cough and congestion. Here's the kicker: Broth alone wasn't effective, and it didn't matter whether there were veggies or not as long as the soup contained both chicken and noodles. Researchers suspect that the combo improves hydration, offers solid nutrition and has a strong placebo effect on coughs.

"I recommend drinking warm liquids and eating hot soup for all of my sick patients," says Dr. Clement Bottino, a fellow in academic pediatrics at Children's Hospital Boston. During a cold, blood vessels get leaky, causing dehydration, he explains. The water provides fluid, the salt prevents liquids from escaping and the warmth relaxes the vessels to improve circulation."This is the same idea as when we give IV fluids to patients in the hospital," he says."The saline solution is made of warm water and salt, just like chicken soup."

Mom's Remedy: Orange Juice
Moms are always pushing OJ, and for good reason: Oranges are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant your body uses to help repair its tissues. A 2007 analysis of results from 30 clinical trials found that vitamin C didn't prevent colds, but it slightly reduced the severity and length of symptoms.

Even so, experts agree that the jury's still out on whether the vitamin is effective in preventing or ending colds. In fact, doctors don't recommend doling out vitamin C supplements to kids, even when they're sick."The thing with vitamin C is that your body excretes what it doesn't need," explains Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, a pediatrician at Seattle Children's Hospital and author of the Seattle Mama Doc blog."So there's no evidence that a supplement will provide any additional benefits."

For a revved-up immune system, Swanson advises opting for foods that are high in the vitamin and in other nutrients, such as oranges, strawberries and tomatoes."The fiber in whole fruits also slows the absorption of sugar," adds Bottino."And that's better for your health in general."

Mom's Remedy: Ginger Ale
Research shows that ginger root is effective for treating morning sickness and nausea post-surgery. But studies on ginger ale for flu symptoms are inconclusive, and the spicy root shouldn't be given to children younger than 2 years of age."Most ginger ales don't contain that much natural ginger," says Swanson."And you get 200 calories from the sugar."

Instead of serving up this particular fizzy drink, provide plenty of clear liquids, like electrolyte drinks that contain the right balance of sugar and salt, to help kids recover.

Mom's Remedy: A Steamy Bath
Numerous studies have shown that this nighttime ritual is an effective cold treatment; steam moistens nasal passages and eases congestion."It's the same theory as when our grandparents used to boil water, put a cloth over the pot and have us stand over it," says Dr. Heather Lubell, a pediatrician at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia."It doesn't make the cold go away, but it does lessen symptoms in the short term."

What's more, a Cornell University study found that a drop in core body temperature is a signal that helps you fall asleep faster and reach deep sleep more easily. Because a bath mimics this drop in temperature, a pre-bedtime soak tells your child's body it's time to doze off. Lubell recommends also placing a humidifier in your child's room to safely relieve stuffiness and improve breathing -- especially in the wee hours, when coughs are more likely to pop up.

Mom's Remedy: Tea With Lemon and Honey
The same theory for chicken soup holds true for a cup of hot tea: Heat increases blood flow, which may speed healing, says Bottino. More importantly, since mucus production can make you dehydrated, drinking lots of fluids -- especially clear ones like tea -- is key.

Besides sweetening the drink, honey may help curb your child's hacking. According to a study in the journal Pediatrics; Adolescent Medicine, 2 teaspoons of the sticky stuff before bed helped reduce coughs. Although you should never give honey to kids younger than 2 years of age, it may be a tool in addition to OTC meds to calm a cough.

Tea's also high in immune-boosting antioxidants, and a 2009 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that blood cells in tea drinkers responded five times faster to bacteria and virus infections than their coffee-sipping counterparts. Is your child not a fan of English breakfast tea or Earl Grey? Brew a mug of hot water with lemon and honey instead.

Mom's Remedy: Bed Rest
It's no wonder that you feel wiped out when you're sick. That's your body's way of telling you that you need to log more z's for your immune system. According to a 2009 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, people who logged less than seven hours of sleep a night were nearly three times as likely to catch a cold than those who got eight or more hours.

“Sleep is the most important thing you can do to fight off an infection," says Bottino. During shut-eye, he says, your body literally renews itself. To help your child snooze soundly, get symptoms like coughing under control first; a humidifier and over-the-counter medications can help him or her nod off quickly. Also place a box of soft facial tissues on your child's bedside table -- that way, relief will be within reach whenever he needs it and he won't have to disrupt his sleep too much during the night.

Photo by Natural Chef Carolyn Nicholas on Unsplash

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