5 Makeup Routine Tips to Look Great After the Gym

Squeezing in a workout during lunch or before dinner is good for your body, mind and overall health. But it’s not so great for the makeup you carefully applied this morning. But don’t let that stop you: With my quick makeup routine, you can look just as pretty and polished when you leave the gym as you did when you arrived -- all in time for your next appointment.
Gym Makeup Routine Tip No. 1: Work out without.
As a makeup artist, I don’t leave the house without at least a little bit of coverage myself. But when I exercise, I keep it minimal: a bit of concealer and a coat of mascara at most. However, if you’re coming straight from work, chances are you’ve got a full face of makeup. Unless you want it running into your eyes and clogging your pores, it’s smart to do some makeup removal.
Before you change into your workout clothes, wipe off any makeup around your forehead, cheekbones, nose, jawline and chin. Carry a pack of facial tissues with you -- facial tissues are less rough and irritating and better for your skin than the towels and tissues at the gym -- and dampen them with makeup remover or soap and water.
You should also run a tissue around the creases and corners of your eyes to remove any makeup or oil that has already come off. Leave the rest of your eye makeup intact, unless you think you’ll sweat so much it’s likely to run and irritate your eyes.
Gym Makeup Routine Tip No. 2: Take care of your hair.
Pin back your hair, including the bangs that hang over your forehead. This will prevent oil on your hair from mixing with sweat on your forehead -- a surefire acne trigger.
Gym Makeup Routine Tip No. 3: Wash your face afterward.
Contrary to popular belief, sweat is actually good for the face: It opens your pores and lets your skin breathe. It’s the dirt and oil that get mixed in that spell trouble for your complexion. The best way to stay clean is to wash your face ASAP post-exercise, whether it’s in the shower or over the sink with a pre-moistened facial wipe.
Gym Makeup Routine Tip No. 4: Moisturize and reduce redness.
After a sweat session, it may feel like lotion is the last thing your skin needs, but it’s important to replenish the moisture that was lost. It also gives your skin an even base for applying makeup. I recommend a tinted moisturizer because it may help reduce redness and give you some coverage if you’re in a rush. Wipe off any excess lotion with facial tissues.
If your exercise flush lingers, moisturizer alone may not cut it. Instead, invest in a green-tinted corrective primer that will camouflage the ruddiness and uneven skin tone. (For similar reasons, surgeons traditionally wear green scrubs to offset the color of blood stains.) Swipe on neutral lip gloss rather than something red, and opt for bronzing powder instead of blush.
Gym Makeup Routine Tip No. 5: Eyeball your eyes.
Don’t forget to give your peepers a quick once-over. Even if you left your makeup on, chances are it may have smudged or faded.
Pumping up your eyes is another way to draw attention away from a still-flushed face.
Now’s a good time to add a new sweep of eye shadow, re-curl your lashes or add another coat of mascara. Since the rest of your face is finished, keep it clean from falling eye shadow by folding a facial tissue in half along the crease and holding it in place along the cheekbone while you touch up your lashes and lids.
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash
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