Stay Positive in Stressful Times

When everyone in your family is down for the count with colds and the flu, you're often the one who continues to be the family cheerleader. But keeping a positive perspective can be tough under some circumstances. 

“Being upbeat during stressful times is difficult," says Dr. Eva Ritvo, vice chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "To stay positive, you've got to work it."

What's the best way to maintain an upbeat attitude? Ritvo offers these useful suggestions for rising to the challenge, no matter what you're up against.

1. Sleep on it.
Busy moms know from experience -- observing their own children -- that getting enough shut-eye helps banish blue moods. So why not apply the same principles to yourself? "As adults, we forget about these things," says Ritvo. "It's difficult to stay upbeat when you're working with a sleep deficit. For a positive outlook, getting a good night's sleep of at least eight hours as many nights as you can is really important."

2. Fuel up.
The right diet is as crucial to keeping a positive perspective as getting enough sleep. If you're not eating properly, you're stressing your body, and when your body is doing all it can just to function, a happy-go-lucky attitude is hard to obtain, says Ritvo. "Avoid things that send your blood sugar rising, like alcohol, diet soda or candy. You're not going to have a positive outlook if your basic nutrition is not attended to."

3. Get moving.
Experts agree that regular exercise can boost mood thanks to the feel-good endorphins it releases. "Our bodies were designed for a lot of movement," says Ritvo. "Exercise makes you feel good, helps circulate your blood, gets rid of toxins, maintains your weight and stimulates your brain." It does so many things that are essential to everyday happy functioning. Try to work in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, whether it's a power walk, a bike ride or Pilates.

4. Try something new.
To keep a positive perspective, introduce variety into your daily routine. A study conducted at the National Institute on Aging found that the novelty of performing new activities has wide-ranging positive effects, including extending your life.

“Do something you haven't done before, which is very stimulating for the brain," says Ritvo. Make a new friend who doesn't fit the mold of your old friends. Take a language class if you've never spoken a language. Take an art class if you've never done art. Give yourself the opportunity to grow in different ways. That's very energizing.

5. Pair up.
Looking to change your perspective? Surround yourself with positive people. "Everybody knows someone who is the life of the party and looks at things in fun ways, so put yourself near them," suggests Ritvo. "Ask them out to dinner. I like going to a book signing where everyone is excited to be there, or a sporting event where people are excited to be. Be around positive energy."

6. Set aside time for yourself.
“It's very easy to attend to people all day or attend to work and neglect ourselves, but that doesn't work for creating a positive outlook," says Ritvo. "It doesn't matter what you do, but be sure to honor yourself and allow yourself to be in a space that works for you." Ritvo suggests setting aside time for a bath, reading for half an hour or meditating to pump up your attitude.

7. Talk about it.
Sometimes, using positive language is all you need to shift your perspective. Ritvo suggests talking with a friend and making a pact to share with each other the things that you're grateful for each day. "Tell each other two things, such as "I'm grateful for my health,'" she says. "Or 'I'm grateful that I could walk up the nine flights of stairs today without being out of breath.'"

8. Put your best face forward.
As the old saying goes, when you look good, you feel good. You don't have to compete with a fashion model, but do try to look your best whenever you can, says Ritvo. To be sure you do this even on your busiest days, set up a quick beauty station by your front door. Just place a basket with a mirror, mascara, eyeliner, blush and lipstick near the door so you can stop and quickly primp before you exit. Don’t forget to tuck a pack of Puffs facial tissues into your bag for touchups later. "Beauty can be an instant boost, and it matters," says Ritvo.

9. Have faith.
Having confidence in yourself and your ability to tackle any challenge is key to keeping a positive perspective. "I like to call it a "faith lift,'" says Ritvo. "Tell yourself that you can survive these things, and it will come true. Having faith is very important. For some people, it might be a religion, for others it might be spirituality or just an inner confidence. Tell yourself you're valuable, and the world will see it too."

10. Practice being positive.
To make a positive mood a part of your permanent psyche, try this experiment: Ritvo suggests challenging yourself to pinpoint one appealing thing about everyone you encounter in a day. "One person might have a beautiful smile, and another a kind word to say," she says. "Train yourself to zero in on positive things (even if it's just one day a week), and (in time) you'll see a change in your overall perspective."

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

9 Best Time-Saving Tips for Busy Moms

Ask any busy mom what's on her wish list, and "more time" inevitably comes up. Turns out those extra hours may be right under our noses: Too many of us waste our precious minutes rounding up the kids, scrambling to pull together dinner and sorting through our email inboxes.

We asked the experts to give us their tips for streamlining daily routines. Try incorporating a few of these suggestions and you may actually find yourself with a little "me" time at the end of the day!

1. Start your day with mommy-and-me time.
Have a designated day of the week for each of your kids and wake him or her up 15 minutes early, says Tonia Tomlin, a professional organizer and the author of Chaos 2 Calm: The Moms-of-Multiples' Guide to an Organized Family. That way, you both know you'll have some special bonding time, no matter how hectic things get.

2. Take stock of your kitchen.
Each month, take a quick inventory of your pantry and do one big grocery shop to stock up on essentials. Even if you can't get to the market one week, at least you'll have the basics to whip together a few quick meals. (Consider using an app like, which keeps your list online.)

3. Invest in a slow cooker.
It's a mom's secret weapon: Toss a few ingredients into the pot in the morning, and your family can sit down to a home-cooked dinner with minimal prep in the evening.

4. Divide and conquer.
Delegating chores to every member of the family will save you time and stress. To keep everyone accountable, create a chore chart that everyone can check off, and put it up on the fridge, says Tomlin. Kids can tackle age-appropriate tasks, like helping to put away the dishes, feeding the dog, picking up toys and hanging up coats. “I also like to give incentives,” says Tomlin. “I schedule a special date with my daughters if the chore chart is completed at the end of the month.”

5. Take control of the calendar.
Keep a reusable wipe-off monthly calendar in a central place so everyone knows exactly what's going on and there won't be any miscommunications.

6. Have laundry day.
Designate a specific day of the week to do laundry so the load won't sit in the dryer and get wrinkled, suggests Tomlin. When you get it all done in one day, you won't have to dread coming home to a huge pile of clothes. Make the chore more fun by scheduling phone dates with family and friends.

7. Place trash cans strategically.
Children are notorious for leaving trash in the car (snack wrappers, water bottles), so keeping a trash can by the driver's side door can save you from having to clean out the car every week, says Tomlin.

8. Have a place for everything.
Getting out the door in the morning is no easy feat when your kids are hunting for schoolbooks and you’re rushing to get your makeup done. Designate an exact place by the door for your kids' school supplies, jackets and lunch bags so they won't go missing when you're leaving for school. Also set up a mommy beauty station at the same place: Simply hang a mirror and fill a basket (ideally out of reach to your kids) with beauty essentials, including a hairbrush, dry shampoo, concealer, blush, lipstick, mascara and a box of facial tissues for quick touchups.

9. Prioritize your inbox.
We all get way too much email, says Tomlin. Consider sorting your messages into simple categories like "To do today," "Follow up by week two," and "Unsubscribe from this email chain." Send email replies to only those who need them, and avoid hitting "Reply all" -- unless it's necessary.

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

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4 Amazing Staycation Ideas You’ve Never Thought of

Need a vacation but don’t have the time or funds? No problem! With a little legwork and creativity, you can plan an escape right in your own home or backyard. You’ll create happy memories for the whole family without the hassle of packing a single suitcase. Consider these innovative ideas.

1. Host a spa day.

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to unwind. Recreate that tranquil environment in your own home: First, declare the day tech-free and turn off all televisions, computers and cell phones. To add spa-like touches, fill pitchers with water, cucumber slices and mint leaves, playing a peaceful soundtrack, such as the “Spa Suite” channel on Pandora.

Then schedule “treatments” with your kids: Set up a manicure station where they can paint their nails (don’t forget to keep tissues on hand in case of smudges) and a
makeover area where they can experiment with makeup. You can also apply facial masks or draw aromatherapy baths.

Extra splurge: Invest in plush robes to wear all day, or contact a local spa for a masseuse or manicurist that makes house calls for an at-home treatment.

2. Go camping!

Set up a tent in your backyard for a campout. During the day, go on a hike at a local park or nature preserve, complete with trail mix. In the evening, gather around the campfire to roast hot dogs and make s’mores while telling ghost stories.

Extra splurge: To make the experience more comfy, use an air mattress inside the tent. You can also spark your child’s interest in nature with a guide to flowers or small camping kit.

3. Create a backyard waterpark.

Waterparks are classic summer fun, but they’re often expensive or too far away. Set up your own version in your backyard: Fill up a few inflatable pools with water, and get some water guns and water balloons. Then invite your kids’ friends over to play. They’ll spend hours splashing around with the toys.

Extra splurge: Create a healthier version of the concession stand by setting up a table full of drinks, fruit slices and other healthy snacks. Finish the evening with a barbecue or pizza party.

4. Have a luxury vacation (on a budget!).

For a fun spin on a big-city vacation, plan a day full of cultural adventures. Print out an itinerary of the day’s events for your family: Start with a breakfast of croissants at a local park. Then check out a new, unusual museum or cultural sight in the area that your family hasn’t yet visited. Follow that with a meal and dessert at one of the fancier restaurants in town, or serve up dinner at a table decorated with candles and fresh flowers in the backyard. Then finish the evening with a classic New York-centric movie, such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s. For a luxurious touch, place a gourmet chocolate on everyone’s pillow to find at bedtime.

Extra splurge: Give each child a certain amount and let them pick out a souvenir throughout the day. It will serve as a token of their fun family staycation!

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

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The Health Benefits of Smiling

A smile can go a long way -- especially when it comes to your health. Not only can flashing a grin win you friends, but a growing body of research also reveals that it can deliver a host of body benefits. Here, four more reasons why you should flash those pearly whites more often:

Reason to Smile No. 1: Less Stress

There’s some truth to the saying, “grin and bear it.” In a study from Kansas State University, people who gave a real smile while tackling pressure-filled tasks had less of a stress response and a lower heart rate than those who kept neutral expressions. So the next time you’re feeling frazzled, take a moment to think of something that makes you giggle.

Reason to Smile No. 2: Pain Relief

According to a study published in the Journal of Pain, people who grimaced during an unpleasant procedure felt more pain than those who turned that frown upside down. Smiling boosts the production of feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins, which can act as a natural pain reliever. Battling a headache or sore back? Watch a few silly YouTube clips for some comedic relief. It’s impossible not to smile at adorable puppy or kitten videos!

Reason to Smile No. 3: A Happier Outlook

You beam when you’re happy, but it turns out that it works the other way around too. Researchers from Britain’s University of Cardiff found that women who received frown-blocking Botox injections reported feeling happier and less anxious than those who didn’t. (They also said they didn’t feel any more attractive, which rules out the possibility they were just more cheerful because of their lack of wrinkles.) Try smiling even when you’re not feeling peppy -- and your mood may soon catch up.

Reason to Smile No. 4: A Healthier Heart

Take heart: A study of nearly 2,000 people published in the European Heart Journal revealed that those with a more positive outlook were less likely to develop heart disease than their more pessimistic peers.

The bottom line: The more smiles, the better! Just remember to stash some tissues in your purse to blot your lipstick and wipe away smudges for a dazzling smile.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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5 Ways to Show a Friend You Care

You can’t imagine life without your friends. They share in your happiness, lift you up you when you’re down and make every day more joyful. But that’s not all: They also help you stay healthy. According to Australian researchers, people with more good pals lived 22 percent longer than those with few friends.

But with our increasing busy lives, many of us are falling out of touch and letting these close bonds unravel. Case in point: Over the past three decades, the number of people the average American calls a close friend has shrunk by a third, reveals a Duke University study.

To keep your relationships stronger than ever, it’s important to take time to remind your friends how much they mean to you. Consider one of these suggestions:

1. Write a heartfelt letter or card.
Even if you often tell your pal you love her, there’s something about putting it on paper. Jot down three favorite memories of your time together or list three of her best qualities -- and how much you value them. Just remember to keep the facial tissues on hand when you present her with your note.

2. Plan a special “date.”
Your coffee chats and walks are meaningful, but try surprising your pal with an afternoon or evening centered on her. Do something she’s always wanted to do, whether it’s visiting downtown art galleries or going on a country bike ride. You can trade off months so you’ll have a fun day to look forward to planning (and attending!).

3. Compile a CD.
Who says mixed tapes are a thing of the past? As a fun token, create a CD with all of your favorite tunes, past and present -- from your favorite jam in college to the boy-band song you tease her about liking now.

4. Schedule a video chat.
Whether you haven’t seen a friend in ages because she’s out of town or you’re both swamped with family duties, it’s still important to catch up face to face. Log onto Skype or Facetime to catch up as you do an activity together, whether it’s baking a batch of cookies or creating a craft.

5. Create a photo album.
Bring the scrapbook into modern day with a crafted photo album. Use a photo publishing site, like or, to create a gorgeous bound book of your favorite snapshots and memories. You’ll both be crying tears of laughter and joy -- and reaching for those facial tissues!

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

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