Keep Your Kids Happy -- With Allergies

For many kids, this time of year can be frustrating. They want to run outside and play, but the pollen count leaves them sniffling, sneezing and wheezing. What can you do to help? By minimizing their exposure to triggers, providing them with relief and offering some creative distractions, you can still make allergy season fun for the whole family.

Protect Them
There are a few simple things that can be implemented daily to reduce or prevent exposure to environmental allergens.

  • Check your filters. Pollen and spores can get trapped in air conditioning filters, so set a specific day each month -- like the day you pay bills -- to change them.
  • Schedule indoor activities. On days that the pollen count is significant (check the count here), keep kids inside during the early morning and dusk, when the air has the most allergens. Have fun games and projects in place.
  • Do an outfit change. When kids come in from outside or come home from school, have them change their clothes immediately and wash off any residual pollen from their faces and hands.

Provide Relief
Allergy flare-ups are inevitable, so it is helpful to keep a few tricks in your parenting toolbox.

  • Try saline solution. It can safely rid eyes and nasal cavities of allergens. (Just remember to keep a box of tissues on hand for the post-application drip.)
  • Draw a warm bath. It can provide soothing relief to itchy skin, and the steam may relieve congestion. 
  • See your pediatrician. Check to see if a prescription or OTC medication can provide relief during the worst of the season.

Include Them
Kids live in the here and now, so trying to explain a concept like allergies can be difficult. In order for them to understand and take ownership of their allergies, involve them in the solution-making process.

  • Ask for suggestions. After identifying specific issues -- for instance, the pollen on shoes or higher count on windy days -- ask your child to think of ways to combat the problems. He might suggest leaving a shoe bin at the door or closing windows in gusty weather.
  • Assign a responsibility. After realizing weather plays a large role in the impact of allergens, your child can become the family’s meterologist. Every evening, have him report the next day’s weather, so you can prep together.
  • Encourage him to share. Telling their friends why they can’t play outside at certain times can help empower your kids -- and makes the situation feel less frustrating.

Distract Them

  • Dress up their tissues. With so much sneezing and sniffling, a box of tissues will become a staple for your children. Have your child personalize the box with paint, glitter or stickers so it seems more fun.
  • Build a fort. If your kids are stuck inside, make them a special place: Build an elaborate fort with sheets, blankets and furniture. This can be their haven for storytelling, homework and imaginative play.
  • Schedule outings. Suffering from spring fever? Have your child choose a special place, like the mall, museum or gym, once a week. This will give him something to look forward to during allergy season.

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De-stress Your Next Doctor's Visit

Going to the doctor's office can be a stressful occasion for the whole family. As a pediatrician, I want to make sure that the kids I take care of are happy and healthy -- and that their parents have a chance to address any concerns. And this all has to happen within 20 minutes, so I don't keep my other patients waiting! To maximize our time together and help the visit go off without a hitch, there are a few smart moves moms can make. Here's what I recommend to de-stress your next doctor's visit:

Bring your child's paperwork. Keep your child's medical files in an easy-to-find location. If you're a first-time patient, provide the doctor's office with your medical history and files. That way, we won't have to track down things like allergies and vaccination histories during the appointment. Also, remember to bring in any forms or waivers that your child needs to be filled out for school, sports and activities.

Think about what you want to address. When I'm wrapping up a visit, parents will often mention an important issue that requires more careful examination. To make sure that you don't forget anything -- and that I have enough time to examine any problems -- jot down a little list of all the conditions and concerns that you want to discuss. You may also want to call or email me before coming in. For instance, if you're worried because your child can't concentrate in school, I sometimes have his or her teachers fill out a questionnaire before the visit.

Keep track of symptoms. Take note of when your child developed her problem and how often it occurs, such as when she started getting headaches and how long they last. Knowing the complete picture can help me make a diagnosis.

Prep your child. Before the appointment, let your kids know why they're seeing the doctor. One exception: If you know that getting a shot makes your child anxious and worried, skip telling her. She may spend the entire visit in tears.

Don't promise "no shots!" or "no medicine!" Instead, just say that you're not sure. Your child shouldn't feel like you've betrayed her. Also, don't use needles as a bartering chip. I've had some parents tell their kids, "If you're bad, Dr. Zets will give you shot." Not only does this portray me as the bad guy, it also encourages a fear of doctors!

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Hugs and Kisses: Nature's Perfect Cold Remedy

As a parenting expert, I often teach one simple, free way to get your kids to stress less, fend off colds, and sleep more soundly. It sounds too good to be true, right? But these are just a few the benefits of one simple action: touch.

Children need physical touch as much as they need the air they breathe. After all, it's the only one of the physical senses that humans can't live without. That's because our skin plays an important role in the stimulation of hormones and function of the internal organs. In fact, a growing body of research shows that touching has many rewards, such as

  • Healthy growth and development. Research from the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute found that infants who received regular massages from their moms grew more and gained more weight after a month.

  • Less stress and anxiety. Touch can improve the relaxation response, lessening stress and anxiety, reports a study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience.
  • Better sleep. Need more shut-eye? Give a few more snuggles. According to a study published in Infant Behavior and Development, babies who were given regular massages slept more soundly than those who didn't.
  • A stronger immune system. Massages boost the production of natural killer cells, cells that fight off viruses and other invaders, reveals a study from the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute.
  • Reduced aggression. In a study of 17 teens, those who received 20-minute massages twice a week reported feeling less hostile after about a month. Their parents also said they seemed calmer and less aggressive.

But even with all these proven benefits, children receive little physical contact from their parents -- and even less in day care and preschool settings. According to a study published in the journal Early Child Development and Care,  preschool children receive physical contact less than 12 percent of the day, and boys receive much less than that amount.

To foster more contact with infants and toddlers, I recommend that parents incorporate the following actions into their daily routine:

• Bathing

• Breathing

• Breastfeeding

• Giving kisses

• Gently massaing your baby or toddler with soft strokes

• Snuggling

• Engaging in physical play, like tickling

Holding and/or carrying your child in a soft baby carrier (just keep in mind that the overuse of strollers, swings and plastic carriers can prevent young children from getting the physical touch they need every day)

As children grow older, it's only natural that they begin to pull away. But their need for touch always remains. While you want to respect your kids' developing individuality, you won't want them to stray too far. To stay in touch (literally), try changing it up with:

• Snuggling

• Back rubs

• Neck and shoulder massages (and don't forget to ask for one yourself!)

• Rough-and-tumble play -- without competitiveness or aggression

• An occasional kiss, but respect the child's cues as to what makes him or her comfortable

What About Dad? 

It's just as important for fathers to make physical contact with their children. Rough-and-tumble play is one way that even the most reticent dad can handle touch, without feeling too uncomfortable.

If you didn't receive a lot of touch when you were a child, this may all seem a little too much. But just remember that our bodies need the sensation -- just like they require food to eat. So if your kid is feeling a bit under the weather, make an effort to comfort her with some extra snuggles; you just may speed up her immune system and help her get more of the quality rest she needs. And with time and practice, those hugs, snuggles and massages will become a natural and joyful part of your daily routine -- and that will help your kid stay happier and healthier year-round.

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9 Ways Dads Can Benefit Kids’ Health

It’s no surprise that positive parenting affects a child’s health and happiness. Countless studies have shown powerful benefits of dad’s participation in children’s development: Kids of highly involved fathers score better on cognitive tests at six months, are better problem-solvers as toddlers and have higher IQ’s by age 3. In school, they get more A’s and perform better on standardized tests. There’s an emotional benefit too: These children report feeling less anxious and depressed, and they’re more social and empathetic.

But did you know that kids with involved dads are physically healthier too? Studies have shown that kids who live with active, involved fathers are:

  • Less likely to suffer a physical accident
  • Six times less likely to visit the emergency room
  • Up to two times less likely to suffer from asthma
  • More likely to be active -- and four times less likely to be obese by the age of 18 -- than kids with inactive, obese dads

And there are benefits for dad too: Fathers who engage with their kids are more likely to feel more satisfied and empathetic with others, as well as less stressed.

Young kids require lots of attention and love, especially when they’re sick. So every day, both mom and dad should make 10 minutes of one-on-one time with their kids a priority. Here are a few smart ways dads can get involved in kids’ lives:

1.    Be the chauffeur. There’s no easier time for undivided catch-up time with your kids than when you’re driving home from school or swim practice. It can become important bonding time during which kids open up about what’s going on in their lives. Just make sure to ban cell phones to create an opportunity for meaningful conversation.

2.    Get your hands dirty. Do a little yard work together! Your kids will love mucking around in the mud, and you’ll get a helping hand digging up the flowerbeds, raking leaves or scavenging sticks for the fireplace.

3.    Build something. Whether it’s a living room fort or a kitchen science experiment, start a project together. While having fun, you’ll also create precious memories together: According to Harvard University, the more senses you use, the more involved your brain will be in making a memory (which means your kids are likely to remember the experience).

4.    Experiment in the kitchen. You don’t have to be a master chef to cook with your kids. For your next weekend brunch or dinner, mix up boxed pancake batter with blueberries, or concoct an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink sandwich together. (Making a mess is the fun part, anyway!)

5.    Read to them. Reading is essential to your child’s mental development: As early as the 1960s, studies showed that kids with fathers who regularly read to them were more likely to score better in many important cognitive skill categories -- especially vocab -- than children whose fathers did not. So start at an early age, and do it often.

6.    Tell stories together. Boost your kid’s creative juices by telling a story and letting your kid fill in the parts. Play off of each other and, above all, have fun! Research shows that when toddlers chat with their dads, they tend to be more inquisitive and even use a larger vocabulary than when they’re talking with moms.

7.    Make a coloring book. If your kid’s stuck in bed or if it’s a dreary day, make it a bit brighter by sketching the outline of a person or place and asking your kids to fill in the details. If you have a younger kid, draw a full image and give her the crayons to fill your mutual masterpiece.

8.    Share your passion. Whether it’s walking your kid through a golf swing or simply explaining why the sky is blue, make sure to discuss the things you love with your kids. They might occasionally roll their eyes (“Dad’s at it again!”), but they won’t forget those impromptu lessons.

9.    Hug them. Kids need physical attention -- and not just from mom. Snuggle, show affection, love them -- especially when your little one is stuck sick in bed (and all her friends are outside playing).

Moms: Encourage dads to get involved. Studies show that when moms are supportive of their spouse’s parenting, men are more likely to be involved and feel more responsible for their kids’ well-being.

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