8 Foolproof Ways to Soothe a Sick Child

No mom wants her child to feel miserable -- and the common cold can really wipe a kid out! Fortunately, combining a few simple moves with time-tested remedies can help ease your little one’s symptoms. So the next time she starts coughing and sneezing, try these savvy tricks to soothe your sick kid in no time.

1. Push an ice pop. “This frozen treat can help soothe a sore throat, plus provide extra fluid to prevent dehydration,” says Dr. Susan Besser, a family physician in Memphis, Tenn., and a mother of six. Giving your child plenty of liquids will also help thin out mucus, making it easier to cough it up.

2. Choose the right remedy. An over-the-counter medication is one of the best ways to relieve cough and cold; just make sure to check the label for age restrictions. A multi-symptom drug is useful in many cases, but don’t assume that it’s a one-size-fits-all treatment. “If your child isn’t experiencing each of the ailments listed on the box, you’re giving her unnecessary meds,” says Besser. “That may cause uncomfortable side effects, like insomnia or nausea.” She advises matching up your child’s specific symptoms with the medicine you give her.

3. Use an extra pillow. “Elevating a child’s head will keep those nasal secretions flowing forward and out of the nose,” says Dr. Peter I. Liber, a pediatrician in Wheaton, Ill., and a father of four. That can prevent postnasal drip from turning into a cough -- and help her sleep more soundly.

4. Have a cooldown. While waiting for that acetaminophen or ibuprofen to kick in, a cold washcloth or icy drink can provide relief for a feverish child. Skip the cool bath, though: Liber explains that may raise his core temperature -- and actually worsen fever.

5. Soothe with steam. “Adding moisture to the air can help loosen up congestion,” says Besser. Keep a vaporizer or humidifier in your child’s room, and remember to change the water daily to prevent bacteria growth. Or run a hot shower and let her sit in the fogged-up bathroom for up to 15 minutes.

6. Teach good hankie habits. “Clamping your nose with a tissue and blowing forcefully can lead to nosebleeds or even a ruptured eardrum,” cautions Besser. Instruct your child to clear her nose gently. While you’re at it, remind her to toss the tissue in the trash afterwards and wash her hands to avoid spreading germs.

7. Calm with creams. Turns out those mentholated topical ointments and creams your own mom gave you really do work. According to a recent study, sick kids whose parents applied a vapor rub to their chest 30 minutes before bedtime slept better, breathed easier and coughed less throughout the night than those who didn’t. Just make sure to follow the directions on the package, and avoid using in and around the nose.

8. Protect his nose. You can’t always help whether your little guy uses a tissue or his sleeve to wipe his nose -- but when he does, make sure he’s got a soft facial tissue on hand. And Liber also suggests keeping his skin from getting red and chapped by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly beneath his nose and on the outside of his nostrils.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

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9 Ways Dads Can Benefit Kids’ Health

It’s no surprise that positive parenting affects a child’s health and happiness. Countless studies have shown powerful benefits of dad’s participation in children’s development: Kids of highly involved fathers score better on cognitive tests at six months, are better problem-solvers as toddlers and have higher IQ’s by age 3. In school, they get more A’s and perform better on standardized tests. There’s an emotional benefit too: These children report feeling less anxious and depressed, and they’re more social and empathetic.

But did you know that kids with involved dads are physically healthier too? Studies have shown that kids who live with active, involved fathers are:

  • Less likely to suffer a physical accident
  • Six times less likely to visit the emergency room
  • Up to two times less likely to suffer from asthma
  • More likely to be active -- and four times less likely to be obese by the age of 18 -- than kids with inactive, obese dads

And there are benefits for dad too: Fathers who engage with their kids are more likely to feel more satisfied and empathetic with others, as well as less stressed.

Young kids require lots of attention and love, especially when they’re sick. So every day, both mom and dad should make 10 minutes of one-on-one time with their kids a priority. Here are a few smart ways dads can get involved in kids’ lives:

1.    Be the chauffeur. There’s no easier time for undivided catch-up time with your kids than when you’re driving home from school or swim practice. It can become important bonding time during which kids open up about what’s going on in their lives. Just make sure to ban cell phones to create an opportunity for meaningful conversation.

2.    Get your hands dirty. Do a little yard work together! Your kids will love mucking around in the mud, and you’ll get a helping hand digging up the flowerbeds, raking leaves or scavenging sticks for the fireplace.

3.    Build something. Whether it’s a living room fort or a kitchen science experiment, start a project together. While having fun, you’ll also create precious memories together: According to Harvard University, the more senses you use, the more involved your brain will be in making a memory (which means your kids are likely to remember the experience).

4.    Experiment in the kitchen. You don’t have to be a master chef to cook with your kids. For your next weekend brunch or dinner, mix up boxed pancake batter with blueberries, or concoct an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink sandwich together. (Making a mess is the fun part, anyway!)

5.    Read to them. Reading is essential to your child’s mental development: As early as the 1960s, studies showed that kids with fathers who regularly read to them were more likely to score better in many important cognitive skill categories -- especially vocab -- than children whose fathers did not. So start at an early age, and do it often.

6.    Tell stories together. Boost your kid’s creative juices by telling a story and letting your kid fill in the parts. Play off of each other and, above all, have fun! Research shows that when toddlers chat with their dads, they tend to be more inquisitive and even use a larger vocabulary than when they’re talking with moms.

7.    Make a coloring book. If your kid’s stuck in bed or if it’s a dreary day, make it a bit brighter by sketching the outline of a person or place and asking your kids to fill in the details. If you have a younger kid, draw a full image and give her the crayons to fill your mutual masterpiece.

8.    Share your passion. Whether it’s walking your kid through a golf swing or simply explaining why the sky is blue, make sure to discuss the things you love with your kids. They might occasionally roll their eyes (“Dad’s at it again!”), but they won’t forget those impromptu lessons.

9.    Hug them. Kids need physical attention -- and not just from mom. Snuggle, show affection, love them -- especially when your little one is stuck sick in bed (and all her friends are outside playing).

Moms: Encourage dads to get involved. Studies show that when moms are supportive of their spouse’s parenting, men are more likely to be involved and feel more responsible for their kids’ well-being.

Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

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Moms: Stop Fears Before They Start

It’s part of a mom’s job to watch over her children’s health and wellness. And when kids don’t feel well, we nurture them back to health as best we can.

But have you ever heard your child cough once and wondered if it’s something serious? Sometimes a small concern can quickly escalate into feelings of real fear. If this sounds familiar, there are steps you can take to avoid making yourself sick with worry -- for your sake and your child’s.

“Children are very sensitive to mom’s mood,” says Betsy Cetnarowski, a certified child life specialist at Akron Children’s Hospital in Ohio. “So when mom is anxious, it can make kids anxious as well.”

Check out these strategies for managing fears that come with being the No. 1 caretaker for your child’s health.

1. Talk to your pediatrician. It’s important to arm yourself with information. Instead of putting energy into worrying about what could be going on, call your pediatrician about your child’s symptoms.

“They will either allay your fears or say, ‘That does sound serious. Come in,’” says Los Angeles marriage and family therapist Tiffany Howsam. “It’s OK to ask questions, including where to get more information.”

Just beware of consulting Dr. Google, warns Howsam. If you’re already feeling anxious and you start looking up symptoms, you’re bound to find something to confirm your fears, even if it’s an extremely rare case. “Speak to your doctor instead,” she urges.

2. Stay in the present. Unless you have a crystal ball, you can’t see the future -- and you shouldn’t even try. “When you start thinking about what might happen,” warns Howsam, “you can go into a downward spiral. If your child has a low fever, that doesn’t mean it’s the first sign of an untreatable disease.” Find out the facts from a professional before making any conclusions.

3. Do a reality check. Distinguish the difference between fearful feelings and measurable facts. “Ask yourself, ‘Is this true?’” advises Howsam. “Learn to catch yourself and identify when you’re catastrophizing.”

4. Take a breather. “Find a quiet place to sit for five minutes, relax and focus on your breath as it goes in and out,” says Howsam. If your mind wanders, just bring it back to the breath. Stick with it. You’ll find that you can redirect your thoughts and calm yourself.

5. Make a list. If you notice your nerves getting out of control, you may be dwelling on one negative detail and disqualifying the positive signs of health or recovery. Write down five positive things about your child’s health (e.g., he has a good appetite, his fever is going down, he’s energetic or he’s sleeping better). If you feel yourself heading down that road of negativity, just look at your list for some reassurance,” says Howsam.

6. Be prepared. If your child does need to be tested or treated, find out exactly what’s going to happen, gathering all the details of necessary procedures. “After all,” says Cetnarowski, “the unknown is often scarier than the reality.”

7. Focus on the familiar. One way to comfort yourself is to concentrate on making your child feel more comfortable. “If you are going to a doctor’s office, bring books or toys from home,” says Cetnarowski. “Doing something familiar while you’re waiting will not only help your child, but also help you feel safer.”

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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De-stress Your Next Pediatrician Visit

Going to the doctor’s office can be a stressful occasion for the whole family. As a pediatrician, I want to make sure that the kids I take care of are happy and healthy – and that their parents have a chance to address any concerns. And this all has to happen within 20 minutes, so I don’t keep my other patients waiting! To maximize our time together and help the visit go off without a hitch, there are a few smart moves moms can make. Here’s what I recommend to de-stress your next doctor’s visit:

Bring your child’s paperwork. Keep your child’s medical files in an easy-to-find location. If you’re a first-time patient, provide the doctor’s office with your medical history and files. That way, we won’t have to track down things like allergies and vaccination histories during the appointment. Also, remember to bring in any forms or waivers that your child needs to be filled out for school, sports and activities.

Think about what you want to address. When I’m wrapping up a visit, parents will often mention an important issue that requires more careful examination. To make sure that you don’t forget anything -- and that I have enough time to examine any problems -- jot down a little list of all the conditions and concerns that you want to discuss. You may also want to call or email me before coming in. For instance, if you’re worried because your child can’t concentrate in school, I sometimes have his or her teachers fill out a questionnaire before the visit.

Keep track of symptoms. Take note of when your child developed her problem and how often it occurs, such as when she started getting headaches and how long they last. Knowing the complete picture can help me make a diagnosis.

Prep your child. Before the appointment, let your kids know why they’re seeing the doctor. One exception: If you know that getting a shot makes your child anxious and worried, skip telling her. She may spend the entire visit in tears.

Don’t promise “no shots!” or “no medicine!” Instead, just say that you’re not sure. Your child shouldn’t feel like you’ve betrayed her. Also, don’t use needles as a bartering chip. I’ve had some parents tell their kids, “If you’re bad, Dr. Zets will give you shot.” Not only does this portray me as the bad guy, it also encourages a fear of doctors!

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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Be Back-to-school Prepared: Your Weekly Attack Plan

There’s no question that the transition from summer to the start of the school year can be a tumultuous time for parents and children. But it doesn’t have to be: With the right strategies, back-to-school season can be happy, healthy and stress-free. To make your life easier, we asked the experts for advice on how to prepare. Use their timeline to get your kids on the right schedule -- and in the right mindset -- for success all year long.

Back-to-school Preparation: One Month Before

A few weeks before the first day of school, take the kids back-to-school shopping. “Involve them in the process of picking out supplies and clothes,” says Candice Sasaki, a second grade teacher at Captain James Lawrence Elementary School in Burlington, N.J. “Showing your excitement will ultimately get your child excited about school, as well.”

If summer means later bedtimes in your home, now’s the time to gradually adjust to an earlier schedule. “For most ages, 8 p.m. is a good bedtime,” says Sasaki. “That allows your child to get enough sleep to be refreshed in the morning.” It also allows them to pay better attention in class: According to one recent study of preschoolers by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, those who had a consistent bedtime performed better at math, reading and language skills than those who didn’t.

To help your kids snooze more soundly, start winding down after dinner. Research published in the journal Sleep Medicine showed that kids who went to bed after 9 p.m., had a television in their room or consumed caffeine during the day took longer to nod off and got less sleep overall. So switch off electronics -- including computers, video games and television -- at least an hour before bed.

Back-to-school Preparation: Two Weeks Before

To prevent a meltdown the first week of school, it’s smart to get your child emotionally prepared for the classroom now. With young children, reinforcing positive behaviors -- like paying attention, having patience and following directions -- will help them understand the way they’re expected to act at school, says Dr. Robin Gurwitch, a professor of clinical psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

“At the dinner table, for example, let them know how proud you are of them when they’re able to stay seated through the whole meal,” explains Gurwitch. “Remind them that their teacher will be proud of them when they use these behaviors at their desks, too.”

It’s also a good idea to start spending some more time reading with young children and encouraging older kids to do more reading on their own. For those who’ve never had homework, introduce a structured period of time in the afternoon or evening to work on activity books together. And if your child had a summer reading assignment, make sure he is caught up -- and won’t have to rush to finish at the last minute.

Back-to-school Preparation: One Week Before

Call your child’s school and ask if you can briefly meet the teacher and see the classroom. “I set up the classroom weeks in advance,” says Sasaki. “And I encourage parents to bring their little ones to visit me before the first day.” Knowing who their teacher will be can help them feel more comfortable and secure on the first day. Checking out the teacher’s web page, if there’s one available, can also give you an idea of what else you need to prepare.

For children entering middle school for the first time, says Gurwitch, two of the biggest sources of anxiety are having a locker and changing classes. If possible, take your child to school during this week to test out his locker, and walk through the building so he knows where to go on the first day.

If you daughter is entering kindergarten or elementary school, put together a care package for her to keep in her backpack, recommends Dr. Charles Smith, a professor emeritus of family studies at Kansas State University and author of Raising Courageous Kids. It can include a supportive note from you, an inexpensive trinket that can serve as a security blanket and a box of tissues in a fun back-to-school design.

“Having something sentimental they can hold onto may help a very nervous child get over the fear of leaving home,” says Smith. “And emphasizing the use of tissues when kids sneeze or cough is important for teaching them good hygiene and for reducing the spread of germs.”

Back-to-school Preparation: The Night Before

Encourage your children to pick out their outfits for the first few days. With your help, have them lay out their clothes the night before to make getting dressed easier in the morning. “You might give them a few different options, but letting them make at least part of the decision is important for giving them a sense of responsibility,” says Gurwitch.

If you’re packing a snack or a lunch, check that you have everything you need before going to bed. Then set a wake-up time that will allow the whole family to be ready without rushing.

Back-to-school Preparation: On the Big Day

Prepare a healthy breakfast, and encourage your kids to discuss their expectations and concerns about the day. Most children are excited and nervous about school, says Smith, so try not to indulge their negative emotions. “Use positive words when talking about their new adventure,” explains Smith. “Avoid saying, ‘Don’t be scared,’ because that introduces the notion that there’s something to be fearful of. Instead, tell them how much fun they’re going to have and how brave and strong they are.”

Most important, says Smith, don’t let your children know if you’re feeling anxious or nervous: If you’re high-strung or weepy when dropping them off, chances are they will be too. Instead, pack some tissues to have on hand if either of you start to cry. Take lots of photos, send them off with a smile and don’t hang around after saying goodbye. Know your child is in good hands and will have a great time making friends and learning new things.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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